SALGA Council of Mayors 2017

This year marks the inaugural year of the SCoM in accordance with article 18 of the SALGA Constitution. The SCoM serves as a forum through which Executive Mayors and Mayors of Organised Local Government can consult one another in matters of common interest to improve governance and service delivery within Local Government. The SCoM is scheduled to take place from 8-9 June 2017, City of Cape Town Council Chambers.

The focus of the SCoM will be to attend to the following:

• Act as a consultative forum for the development of local government positions on policies and legislation impacting on local government
• Identify policy and legislative matters that SALGA needs to include in its advocacy, lobbying and strategic engagements in a pro-active manner
• Identifying particular challenges faced by the executive in municipalities and propose solutions and approaches to address such
• Share good practices with regard to the role of the executive in the municipality
Speaker Profiles:
Not Available at the moment








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