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GSDM Aerospace Investment Conference, a Great Success




Posted: 25 May 2021

The Gert Sibande District Municipality (GSDM) is set on growing the district by looking at alternative sources of income and approaches including the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

In this regard, the GSDM is delighted to announce the establishment an Aerospace Industrial Hub to be located at the Ermelo Airfield (FAEO), a land the local municipality of Msukaligwa has transferred to the District in support of this vision. This industrial hub is developed to host Aerospace manufacturers, specifically Aeronautics and Space Original Equipment Manufacturers as well as subsystems and component suppliers. Furthermore, the industrial hub will host an Aerospace Institute as well as an Aerospace Technology and Small Medium and Macro Enterprise (SMME) Incubator.

An initiative of such magnitude requires that key stakeholders be at play, thus the decision to host the GSDM Aerospace Investment Conference on Friday, 21 May 2021. It was time to bring in potential funders and investors to present this particular vision. The aim was to showcase the Aerospace Industrial Hub to potential investors with the hope of soliciting interest. The District has in place a Conceptual Development Plan depicting a graphic representation of the vision of such magnitude which was presented to the conference.

The District has and continues to work with various partners and investors such as sector departments that are involved in related fields or areas such as science and innovation. For example, there will be incubation opportunities where the small SMMEs are trained and are taken through a process of growth through the Incubation Hub. The Aerospace Institute that will be established in partnership with reputable institutions of higher learning, will provide aerospace related skills that are relevant to the skills requirements of the tenants of the Aerospace Industrial Hub.

The conference was a great success such that some of the delegates, which included international stakeholders from Russia, presented their plans and intention to invest in the GSDM Aerospace Industrial Hub.

The District Executive Mayor, Cllr Muzi Chirwa, the Deputy Minister for Defence and Military Veterans Mr Thabang Makwetla as the national champion of the District Development Model (DDM) in the district, Mr Vladimir Panin representing the Irkut Cooperation from Russia, Counsellor Andrei N Donskikh from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of South Africa, the municipal leadership and a number of other dignitaries and stakeholders were in attendance and applauded the GSDM management for the initiative which shows that the District is improving on technological development and on supporting local municipalities.
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