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SALGA and DEA join forces to clean up environment and change behaviour

Posted: 09 June 2016

Many municipalities have been raising concerns regarding the escalating cost of cleaning illegally dumped waste. In response, SALGA lobbied the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to work on the development of a national awareness campaign aimed at educating communities on the need to take care of the environment....

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CoGTA Minister Honourable Des Van Rooyen says the success of Local Government depends on municipal managers

Posted: 089 June 2016

In his keynote address, Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs,Hhonourable Des Van Rooyen, said it is correct to say that Municipal Managers are located in the trenches of service delivery and that the success of Local Government depends on the....

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SALGA in partnership with the City of Tshwane hosted the 10th National Municipal Managers Forum (NMMF) at Centurion, Pretoria

Posted: 09 June 2016

The Forum was graced by Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Honourable Des Van Rooyen, Pali Lehohla the Statistician-General for Statistics South Africa, Municipal Managers, and Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA).

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SALGA in partnership with the City of Tshwane will host the 10th National Municipal Managers Forum under the theme “Managing the Transition” on 8 -10 June 2016 in Centurion, Pretoria

Posted: 07 June 2016

The National Municipal Managers Forum established in 2011 to provide a platform for Municipal Managers to inform improvements in Local Government performance and facilitate inter-municipal peer-learning has grown to be an important platform over the years......

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26.3 Million voters eligible to vote in 2016 Municipal Elections

Posted: 06 June 2016

The Chief Electoral Officer Mr Mosotho Moepya has certified the voters’ roll for the 2016 Municipal Elections paving the way for a record 26 333 3535 voters to cast their ballots on 3 August.

The voters’ roll contains 2 678 307 more voters (11.3% increase) tha.....

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SALGA congratulates Nelson Mandela Bay municipality for newly launched Free – Wi-fi Broadband

Posted: 03 June 2016

SALGA wishes to congratulate the Nelson Mandela Bay metropolitan for its innovative broadband project which promises to offer the biggest Wi-fi coverage on the African continent for residents of Port Elizabeth.

The launch of the Phase 1 of the Energy Efficiency High Mast Lighting ........

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SALGA pleased with its Municipal Audit Support Program which contributed meaningfully towards positive audit outcome improvements

Posted: 02 June 2016

SALGA Deputy Chairperson Councillor Mpho Nawa says SALGA is encouraged by the bold and correct initiatives of committing municipalities to implement a National Anti-Corruption strategy and to adopt consequences & accountability framework in November 2013 at an Anti-Corruption.......

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Auditor General applaud SALGA for assisting municipalities improve their audit outcomes

Posted: 01 June 2016

Presenting the 2014/2015 municipal audit outcomes on Wednesday, 01 June, Auditor General Kimi says compared to the start of the term of the current crop of councillors in 2011, there had been an encouraging improvement in municipal audit outcomes over the past five years.......

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South African Local Government signs agreement with R20 Regions for Climate Action

Posted: 27 May 2016

SALGA Programme for Climate Change (LGP4CC) and the R20 – Regions of Climate Action on Tuesday, 27 May in Sandton City, Johannesburg, entered into an agreement aimed at creating a platform for action-oriented partnership to address climate change.......

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Minister of Water and Sanitation unveils two big augmentation projects in Rand Water Zuikerbosch

Posted: 26 May 2016

The Minister of Water and Sanitation, Nomvula Mokonyane on Thursday, 26 May unveiled two big water augmentation projects in Rand Water Zuikerbosch Water Pumping Station in Vereeniging, Gauteng.

SALGA as one of the major partnerst....

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SALGA deeply concerned about violent community

Posted: 06 May 2016

An Exploratory Study conducted by the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) on “How does Local Government Perceive Community Protest?” was released in March 2016 as part of SALGA’s initiatives to restore human dignity. The study is available on SALGA’s website.....

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Local government continues to strive in actualising the achievement of workers’ rights

Posted: 05 May 2016

This year’s 1st May marked the 22nd observance of what has become known as the May Day and Workers’ Day since 1994 in South Africa. This day is now celebrated by more than 60 countries including Germany, Russia, Ireland, Greece, Austria and the United States of America (USA)....

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CoGTA Deputy Minister urge SALGA to be at the forefront of implementing the "Back to Basics" programme

Posted: 03 May 2016

n his address in the National Assembly, CoGTA Deputy Minister, Honourable Andries Nel, commended the Chairperson of SALGA, Councillor Thabo Manyoni, and and the SALGA leadership for continuing to discharge the constitutional mandate of representing organised...

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As part of celebrating World Book Day, SALGA will donate books at Reverend JM Buthane Library in Mamelodi

Posted: 19 April 2016

In celebrating World Book Day, SALGA will donate books at JM Buthane Library in Mamelodi West..

World Book Day (also known as International Day of the Book) was initiated by the United Nations Educational....

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Charter of Election Ethics provides guidelines for good conduct and ethical voting for government and political parties - 13 Apr 2016

Posted: 13 April 2016

The Charter of Election Ethics provides guidelines for good conduct and ethical voting for political parties and government.

The Charter of Election Ethics also outlines a number of values and ethics that political.....

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The Moral Regeneration Movement and SALGA to promote ethics charter beyond the local government elections

Posted: 13 April 2016

Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM) Chairperson Father Simangaliso Mkhatshwa says MRM saw that there was a need to compliment the work of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).....

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SALGA Deputy Chairperson says every public representative must pass the ethics test

Posted: 13 April 2016

SALGA Deputy Chairperson Councillor Mpho Nawa says in June 1955, the people of this country came together in what is known as the Congress of the People and agreed to build a united, non-sexist, non-racial and democratic South Africa that abides to the rule of law.....

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SA Political Parties pledge to act ethically at Signing Ceremony on The Charter of Election Ethics

Posted: 13 April 2016

SALGA and the Moral Regeneration Movement brought together South Africa’s political parties contesting for the 2016 Local Government Elections to formally commit and pledge themselves in adhering to good values and ethics to ensure responsible and ethical political leadership as the country moves closer towards elections.....

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