As part of the Women’s Month and to unleash women development and empowerment in Local Government, SALGA will be hosting the SALGA Women’s Commission (SWC) National Summit on 13- 15 August 2018, at the East London International Convention Centre in the Eastern Cape Province.
The National Summit will be convened under the theme “Working together to promote gender equality, sustainable development and good governance and celebrating “100 Years of Albertina Sisulu, Woman of Fortitude: Women United in Moving South Africa Forward”and will be attended by 400 female political leaders in local government that include municipal delegates, chairpersons of the Multi-Party Women Caucus, Councillors, Mayors, Speakers, Chief Whips and Municipal Managers.
Others who are expected to attend, are representatives, guests and speakers from National and Provincial Government Departments, Chapter 9 Institutions, Civil Society Organisations, the Private Sector and Development Partners.
The Summit will serve as a platform to engage on transformation challenges faced by women and providing opportunities for deliberations on possible solutions, networking and sharing of experiences and lessons on gender mainstreaming by municipalities.
The focus of the Summit will include:
a) Creating a common understanding on the roles of women structures operating in Local
b) Terms of Reference for the SWC and the Multi Party Women’s Caucus in municipalities
c) To reflect on the gaps, opportunities and challenges by reviewing the past efforts and
the current status of women in local government.
d) Knowledge sharing and exchange of best practice strategies and programmes in Local
e) Development and adoption of the Programme of Action for the current term of office
The SALGA NEC is looking forward with much anticipation to welcoming all to this critical reflection as we strive to collectively move local government forward. |